Monday , February 17 2025
Vindhyachal Hostel, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus (BHU)
Vindhyachal Hostel, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus (BHU)

Vindhyachal Hostel, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus (BHU)

On the beautiful Vindhyan mountain ranges the city of Mirzapur is inhabited and on outskirt of city one of the largest residential university’s extension “Rajiv Gandhi South Campus” is situated. It is an expansion of Banaras Hindu University as the resources and area was limiting main campus, so the village of Barkachha in Mirzapur was selected for such purpose.

The scope of development and the potential opportunity of this place is very high.

With the commencement, of course, a lot of hurdles was there that were to be met out, so for accommodation purpose construction of Vindhyachal hostel took place in the year 2005.


Hostel name Vindhyachal Hostel
Location Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, BHU
University Banaras Hindu University
Inception 2005
Number of rooms 155
Hostel type Boy’s hostel
Hostel fees Approx. 4000 per year
Allotted to Bachelor’s & master’s students
Mess facility Available

Documents Required for Hostel Allotment

Just after taking admission, students are notified to report for hostel allotment and final admission procedure. For this, they need to report in the Administrative building (admin building) along with the following documents.

  • three copies of Dossier form
  • guardian undertaking
  • anti-ragging form
  • I’d proof
  • Hostel Fees

Hostel Fees

Hostel fees is Rs. 4120 for 1 year including Rs. 1800 as caution money.

Infrastructure of the Vindhyachal Hostel

Vindhyachal hostel is a boy’s dedicated hostel with 155 rooms and having a capacity to accommodate more than 350 students. The architecture of the hostel is designed in a rectangular shape with a ground floor and two floors above it. Gate of hostel opens at 6:00 am in the morning and closed at 10:00 pm in night. Entry and exit are strictly prohibited after that but the liberty is given to those who have to catch trains or having some important work only after the permission of the warden. On every corner of the particular floor, there is a washroom for students which means total 12 washrooms. There is also a separate washroom for physically challenged students and facility of the ramp at the entrance is also available for them. Such students are allotted with ground floor only to avoid hardships for them. For hot water in winter, the geyser is also available at every floor in 2 out of 4 washrooms.

One can find water cooler attached with purifiers for chilled and pure water at ground and first floor of the hostel. On the first and second floor, there is a common hall used by students for several purposes like rehearsals, organisation of events and festivals, meetings etc and on the first floor there is a television, operational only on cricket match days. Common hall can only be used by permission from attendant or warden.

At present there are three mess operating in Vindhyachal Hostels providing a wide range of menu at approximately the same cost i.e. 3000-3200. One can also choose daily diet plan ie ₹ 20 for breakfast available from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, ₹30 for lunch available from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm and dinner at ₹ 30 available between 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm. with minimal service changes. On Sunday and one-weekday, special diet is also provided by mess Maharaj like Paneer, Chicken, sweets etc., charges of special diet is double as compared to the normal diet. Keeping induction, gas cylinders, heaters are not allowed.

An overview of Vindhyachal Hostel

Talking about the rooms of a hostel are neither too big nor too small, they are of standard size in which 2-3 person can accommodate. All the rooms are well ventilated and equipped with a bed, table, chair, fan, cupboard, cloth hanger, charging sockets for mobile and laptop charging. A sweeper is also assigned who daily cleans all washroom, put a broom in every room twice or thrice a week, and cleans veranda once in week of every floor. Uninterrupted supply of water and electricity is available at Vindhyachal hostel and to overcome with the issue of power cuts RGSC has planted solar panels on the terrace of every building which will work during the daylight instead of electric power, also give 4 hours of backup when there is an interruption in supply. 2 attendants give their duty 24×7 at channel gate of the hostel in shifts, their major job is to keep a check on activities in the hostel and keep a record of every incoming and outgoing individual and belongings of the hostel. A guard is also employed at the entry gate who is responsible for maintenance of discipline in premises. Banaras Hindu University is a clean and green campus and on the line of this plantation is done in Vindhyachal hostel, one can find Ashoka tree, plants of rose, marigold plants etc which add to the beauty of hostel.

For co-curricular and recreational activities students can issue sports items such as bat, ball, badminton, chess, carrom board, volleyball, etc against the submission of their passbook with attendant. In the premises of Vindhyachal hostel there is one volleyball court and a badminton court as well with proper lighting so that students can play in evening as well. Various cultural and patriotic events are organized by students of Vindhyachal hostel on different festivals such as Janmashtami, Saraswati Pooja, Independence Day, Mahashivratri, etc in which each and every students participate enthusiastically. Whole hostel is decorated beautifully where students show their creativity and talent.

Students are given every facilities and redressal platform in case anyone has any issue related to hostel, mess, room partner, amenities can write a formal letter acknowledging to admin warden and get their issues resolved.

Courses to which Vindhyachal hostel is allotted

  • Bachelor of Commerce ( Hons.
  • Bachelor of commerce, FMM (Financial Marketing Management)
  • Master of Tourism and Travel Management (MTTM)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA), Agricultural Business
  • Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

The allocation of hostel and room is entirely based on the decision of administration and changes every year.

Ragging, smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, keeping arms and ammunition, fighting, keeping and using gas cylinders, induction, etc are not allowed inside the Vindhyachal hostel. If any student found to be involved in any of the illegal or prohibited activities, BHU administration has the authority to take legal action against them.

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About Utkarsh Upadhyay

Learning something new Everyday !!

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