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Role of Meditation in Students Life
Role of Meditation in Students Life

Role of Meditation in Students Life

“Meditation is like a gym in which you develop the powerful mental muscles of calm and insight.”

Someone has rightly said that meditation helps to boost our mental muscles and keep the body calm and relax. Meditation is more like an art that has become a need for everyone. In today’s life, everyone has been going through some level of stress, anxiety, etc. In such a time, students must not face any such issues.


Often times exercise, yoga, and meditation is considered as same. This is the most common mistake that everyone does. Exercise includes physical body activities that help to maintain and improve physical fitness, overall health, and wellness. It helps in the growth and improvement of strength, development of muscles, cardiovascular system, prevent ageing, and most important in improving health.

While talking about Yoga, it is an activity that helps to boost up our body functioning, maintain our physical fitness and mental peace. Yoga is a vast subject that includes overall development, better posture, weight loss and helps to improve immunity and energy.

Whereas, meditation is different from Yoga. In Meditation, no physical movements are required. An individual just needs to sit over a place and have to focus on the energies in the body. It can be said that meditation a part of yoga. It helps in improving the self-realization and in the overall breathing system.


Not only older people but most young students face this problem. Today high competition among the students and the burden of study has caused a high level of stress in students. For this, students must do meditation frequently. It is much more recommended for students as it is easy to develop the habit of meditating among them than the adults. Meditation not only helps in relaxing the body but there are many other benefits of it.


Most of the time it is noted that students are unable to concentrate on their studies properly. For the students, they must have a good concentration level. The most important advantage is that it helps in increasing the concentration power of the students.


Being patient is the foremost important quality that is needed to achieve something big. The best way for being patient is that the students not respond repulsively to any action. Most of the time it has been seen that students go aggressive with their classmates or will start arguing. The students must have patience in themselves. Meditation should be practised from an early age as it helps to improve the patience level.


Productivity is the other main benefit of meditation. Students must be capable of doing co-curricular activities along with academics. In other words, it can be said that meditation also helps in making the students more efficient. This will also help in their academics results.


Meditation just not helps in improving academics or keeping body calm. But it goes beyond these boundaries. It also helps in bringing inner innovativeness and creativity. Every student has their creativeness. Some may be creative in writing whereas others may be creative with art. Meditation helps to speed up the performance of the brain. This helps in amplifying their creative ideas which help in the mental growth.



Yoga is more like an art, science and philosophy that must be performed on a daily basis. Morning is the best time to perform yoga. Yoga not only helps students to stay healthy but also helps to stay relaxed, calm and energetic every day. A study has shown that students who perform yoga on a daily basis tend to have more concentration.



Yoga comprises of various asanas that could be a great help to the students. The asanas are the basis of performing yoga. These asanas can help students in increasing their concentration level, help developing good postures, and to reduce stress level. Asanas also help in spiritual development and also in physical development. Some of the asanas that can be beneficial to the students are listed below:


Matsyasana is also known as Fish Pose. This asana helps in improving blood flow to the head and helps in relieving back and neck pain. This asana is much more useful to the students who are mostly complaining about back pain.

How to do it:

First sit in padmasana. Then hold your toes and lean back until your head touches the ground. Your back must be arched and not be on the floor. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and return back in the original position.

Bhramari Pranayam

Bhramari Pranayam or the bee breathing is another kind of asana that helps in improving the concentration. This asana got its name from the black Indian bee named as Bhramari. It is a good breathing exercise that helps to free the mind of agitation. It also helps get rid of the anxiety and anger.

How to do it:

Sit straight in a comfortable position. Make sure that your eyes are closed. Now close your ears with your index finger and take a deep breath. Start making a sound like a bee along with deep breathing. Do this three to five times daily.


It is also known as Diamond or thunderbolt pose. This is a very simple asana that helps to improve blood flow and digestion. It also helps to calms mind and increase the concentration level.

How to do it:

To begin with first kneel down on the floor. Then sit back on your heels. Back, neck and head should be in a line. Now just hold the position for 10 minutes.


This asana is also known as Hero Pose.  The hero pose helps to reduce the stress and improves concentration.

How to do it:

First, kneel down and keep the inner thighs and knees together. After that just move your feet outward and sit back. Make sure that legs are on your side and knees are on the floor. Just hold the position for a couple of minutes. After that return to the original position.

These are some very basic and easy asanas that can be a great help to students. They must perform them every day in the morning just for half an hour. By doing it regularly, the students can become physically fit and can have great concentration level.



Now a day’s most of the students have started facing a problem of backaches or headaches or migration. Have you ever wonder why the students are having such problems? The answer to such problems is related to our body postures.

Many students have the habit of studying late at night. But the next day most of them suffer back pain or headache. Students sit in various body postures while studying. Some of them will study by lying on the bed others will study sitting on a chair and legs on the table. However, these are unacceptable postures.

The best way to study is to use a table and chair while studying. Although a table and chair will not be useful until and unless students maintain the right posture. Some of the points to maintain a good posture while studying are discussed below:

  • Students need to sit straight and need not lean forward or backwards.
  • There must be a support to the lower back. Use cushion when the support is not comfortable.
  • The feet should be flat on the floor.
  • Hips and knee should be at the same level.
  • Hips should be as far back as possible.
  • There should be enough space below the desk for legs and knee.



Headache is the most common problem found in the students. 3 out of 5 students suffer this problem. This can be a result of tension or increased stress level. Most of the time it has been noticed that while headache people suggest pressing some particular points between the eyebrows. These points are known as the acupressure points.

The human body has a lot of pressure points that are believed to affect other parts of the body when pressed. The human body has a lot of pressure points that are believed to affect other parts of the body when pressed.


Acupressure is a form of a therapy in which pressure is used on some specific points of the body which are considered as lines of energy.

While the preparation of competitive exams students need to study for 7 to 8 hrs per day. Most of the students while preparing for these exams have such a hectic schedule. At such a time students should perform acupressure for 5 to 10min. This will not only help to reduce the stress level but will also help to study with a fresh mind.

Many times students face the issue of back pain. A quick relief to back pain can also be achieved by performing acupressure. There are various points that can help in relaxing back pain. There is a point, 2 fingers below the belly point, by applying pressure to it students can get rid of back pain very easily.  Another point that can be helpful,  is located 2 finger widths from the joint of the thumb and index finger. Again by applying pressure on that point, one can get relaxation from the back pain.

Acupressure is not only limited to back pain or headache, but also helps in other body problems. Students should perform acupressure regularly for 5 to 10 min in order to stay fit.

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About Vanshika Gupta

I am currently 4th year student and studying In Economics from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University. I love to learn new things and to do research on various topics. LEARNING NEVER ENDS

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