BHU Vaccine Centre to be built in the Building of AIC
BHU Vaccine Centre to be built in the Building of AIC

BHU Vaccine Centre to be built in the Building of AIC

BHU Vaccine Centre to be built in the Building of AIC: A vaccine centre will be constructed in BHU’s Atal Incubation Center building. The decision was made final on Wednesday in the Academic Council meeting chaired by Vice-Chancellor Professor Rakesh Bhatnagar. The first bachelor’s course in the Bachelor of Vedic Yoga Science (BVYV-Hons) has also been approved in this meeting held at the Swatantra Bhawan Building of the campus. The session will commence in the next academic season of  2021-22. One more crucial decision was taken, that the Department of Physical Education has been given the status of faculty. After getting the approval from the Executive Council, the President will give it legalization with the recommendation of the Ministry of Education. All these processes will take about six months. Prior to this, the former Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Lalji Singh gave Veterinary Science a faculty status in the Rajiv Gandhi South Campus (RGSC). During the Council Meeting, a total of 51 agendas were discussed, out of which almost all the issues were agreed upon, except ten agendas.

New courses will be started in separate textile centre at MMV and AMPGC

In the meeting, under the 44th agenda, BHU has agreed to set up a textile centre separate from the painting department, which will function under the Faculty of Visual Arts. Apart from this, tourism courses will run under an independent department, it has been agreed to start several courses including Bachelor of Vocational Studies in MMV and many courses in Arya Mahila Post Graduate College (AMPGC).

Council meeting didn’t entertain for Maliviya Institute

In Agenda No. 35, it could not be agreed to make the Malaviya Price Management Center into Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Institute of Ethics and Human Value Center. It was decided to conceive of an institute consisting of India Study Center, Malaviya Price Research Center and Malaviya Peace Center, and then final report to present to committee under the chairmanship of the Vice-Chancellor at the meeting of the Academic Council, only then after concrete decision can be taken on this. Apart from this, if a candidate from the top hundred universities in the NIRF rankings takes admission in BHU, his credit will also be transferred.

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About Utkarsh Upadhyay

Learning something new Everyday !!

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