BHU to hold Final Exam online
BHU to hold Final Exam online

BHU Semester Exam: BHU to Hold Final Year Exam Online

Many things are constantly changing due to COVD-19 pandemic. Now the pattern of this year’s exam at BHU has also changed. Terminal semester examinations of this session at BHU will be conducted through the Open Book Examination (OPEN BOOK EXAMINATION – OBE) system. That is, during the examination, books and other resources can be supported by material. The proposal of the Academic Council to conduct the examination in open book examination mode has been approved by BHU Executive Council on Saturday. Students can appear in the exam from anywhere. He can take the exam from his home or any place.

The Executive Council of Banaras Hindu University (BHU) has approved the proposal of the Academic Council to conduct the Terminal Semester examinations for the academic session 2019-20 with the Open Book Examination (OPEN BOOK EXAMINATION – OBE) system. Under this, students can take the exam remotely (from their home or any other place) and there is no restriction on taking the support of books and other resource material for writing answers. In this arrangement, the question papers of theory courses will be of 70 marks, which will have 8 questions with equal marks and the candidates will have to answer four questions. The time of examination will be 4 hours while the disabled candidates will be given 6 hours. As per the rules, unless a student is allowed to scribe, students will have to write the answers manually.

Here is the tweet from BHU administration:

Students of the last (terminal) semester of the academic session 2019-20 who have a backlog of the same semester (2, 4, 6, 8 or as the case may be) of the previous academic sessions, will be required to pass the examination for that course/question paper. , In which they have failed or absent. Under the online OBE system, they will be included as regular students for the terminal semester examination of the academic session 2019-20.

Complementary terminal examinations may be conducted in November 2020 for those students who fail in the terminal semester or are unable to sit for this exam due to any reason. If a student of the terminal semester / final year is unable to take the examination through OBE for any reason, then such students may be given the opportunity to appear in the special examination conducted by the university in pen-paper mode. These exams will be conducted whenever possible. This option is only available as a ONE-TIME MEASURE for the academic session 2019-20.

Candidates can download the question paper from portal using their login, password. After writing the answers to the questions, students will have to upload their handwritten answer book to the portal within the stipulated time.

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